the climate project
the climate project
the climate project
the climate project
information first enters the heart
We are here to create a just, regenerative, harmonious new world that bears witness to the interconnectedness of all things.
a world made from air
A fossil-free future is possible,
thanks to this shiny black leaf.
We realized that we were looking at the potential for reality transformation at the molecular level, at a global scale. A true paradigm shift.
It's the quietly radical idea that we can harvest carbon peacefully from the air, instead of violently extracting it from the ground.
air water sun
What does carbon sound like? If a world made from oil sounds like grinding, pounding, cracking, aching, what does a world made from Air, Water & Sun sound like? We transposed the light spectra of carbon into sound design for this piece for Twelve. Click video to play sound.
the element of change
A love letter from carbon to us.
carbon transformation
A new category for the climate era.
the element
The element of change is in the air.
Carbon, reincarnated.
the sigil of circe
invisible worlds
fermented futures
climate cultures
Circe is a bioscience company working at the frontiers of the microbial realm, where fermentation, fats, flavor and the future collide.
the house of taste
taste is the Moment
the Memory Maker
tuning reality
on the tip of your tongue
ancient praxis
a new frequency
magic in the air
spun into gold
as above
so below
fat for the gods
food for the soul
the future lies in the ancient art of fermentation
we can make food from air in the invisible realm of the microbial world
technology alone cannot change the world, it takes a culture
monuments + moments
A climate-positive future is built on a carbon-negative foundation. Brimstone is solving one of the world's most intractable climate problems, cement production, simply by changing the rock.
a planet in balance
A planet in balance
A world in tune
Edit 1: OH Samples: Mr. Rogers Theme Song
Edit 2: OH Samples: The Bathtub Song Edit
rockets for earth
The same technology that can take us to Mars can save humanity here on Earth. We are inspired by Arbor's team of inventors, scientists, engineers and caretakers who are translating their work at Space X for mission Earth.
blue shroom
origin house